Museums in Parramatta | Events Near Novotel Sydney Parramatta
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Museums in Parramatta

The New South Wales Lancers Memorial Museum

Situated in well maintained beautiful historical buildings close to Parramatta Railway Station, the New South Wales Lancers Memorial Museum is a well organised and maintained history from the Boer war to the present day.

2 Smith Street, Parramatta
Located just 1.3km (via George St and Marsden St) from Novotel Sydney Parramatta

Brislington Medical and Nursing Museum

It is the oldest existing dwelling house in the inner City of Parramatta and since 1983 has been a Medical and Nursing Museum for the former Parramatta Hospital.

Cnr George and Mardsen Streets, Parramatta 
Located just 600m (via Marsden St and Market St) from Novotel Sydney Parramatta.  

Female Orphan School and Margaret Whitlam Galleries

The oldest three-storey structure in Australia, the Female Orphan School was built in 1813 to shelter the colony's young girls from the depravity of Sydney Town. The site went on to become the Rydalmere Psychiatric Hospital before being left abandoned. Derelict and covered in graffiti, the building's future was in question before work began in 2000 to restore it to its former grandeur. Don't forget to visit one of their tours.

Cnr George and Mardsen Streets, Parramatta 
Located just 600m (via Marsden St and Market St) from Novotel Sydney Parramatta.  

The Margaret Whitlam Galleries are located in the west wing of the Female Orphan School, home to the Whitlam Institute. They provide an inspiring public space for temporary art and exhibitions, attracting local and national exhibitions that explore elements of Australia’s social, cultural and democratic history. Check out what's on.

Cnr George and Mardsen Streets, Parramatta 
Located just 600m (via Marsden St and Market St)  from Novotel Sydney Parramatta.